Tuesday 13 January 2015

Lets make a try by the grace of eternal divine

To bind the memories of this year in strings of rhyme

Recall the good things you did, praise yourself for it.

rewind the mistakes in your mind and pledge not to repeat it this time,

be thankful to people who inserted you and forgive the one who insulted you.

thank your family and friends for being always there for you in your good and bad time,

no need to make new resolutions just stick to one you made in past,

make your parents feel proud ,try to give them more care this time
don’t rush blindly to bashes full of wine

this is not the way we are supposed to thank divine

just have a pause to think your goal and change track if you are not on line
open your heart to receive breeze of all kind

spread the love ,happiness and help from your mind

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